We're open Monday-Friday 7am-5pm. We close on major holidays and for the week between Christmas and New Years.
We sell to businesses and individuals.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, cash, and in-state checks. All checks must include TX driver’s license number, date of birth, and a valid phone number to be accepted. $25 fee on returned checks.
While we try to keep all of our material stocked, there is no guarantee of availability.
Our gravel/bulk material minimum is one cubic yard. The yard cannot be picked up in separate trips.
Our palletized stone is priced by the ton and sold by the full pallet.
We do deliver, and our delivery price is charged separately from the price of the rock in most cases.
We offer refunds for pallets of regularly stocked material that have not been opened or damaged, returned in 30 days or less. Restocking fees may apply. No refunds or returns on discounted materials.
We will hold pallets up to 10 business days, paid for or not.
We are not responsible for any damages to vehicles or trailers when loading or unloading.
We can give estimates for how much material your job requires, but these are only our estimates and we are not liable for overestimates or underestimates. You should try to get your mason, builder, or landscaper to provide you with accurate estimates.